Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.
Building a CRM is one of the most common custom software projects you’re likely to encounter. See, every customer-facing business needs a repeatable way to manage relationships with current, potential, and previous clients. The trouble is that the market here is so thoroughly cornered by a handful of big players - like SalesForce, Dynamics365, HubSpot, and others. This creates two potential problems. First, with such market dominance, these vendors can often present comparatively high recurring licenses.
Ronan McQuillan
Sep 5, 2023
Approval workflows are some of the most pervasive admin tasks in almost every business. They’re also one of the types of tasks where it’s easiest to eliminate manual interactions - and free up team members to work on bigger and better things. At least, they are in theory. In practice, approvals are one of the biggest time sinks around. You can probably think of a time when a project hit a roadblock because you couldn’t get someone to sign it off.
Ronan McQuillan
Sep 5, 2023
Database connections are some of the most fundamental aspects of any development, data, or digital transformation project. But despite this, they don’t really get all that much attention. Obviously, this is a pretty major oversight. See, how you manage different tools’ and solutions’ connections to your data assets has a direct impact on everything from internal development experiences and project costs to database performance and the quality of your eventual solutions.
Ronan McQuillan
Sep 5, 2023
Wrapping your head around CRUD vs REST means getting to grips with some of the most fundamental concepts of modern application development. However, when we talk about this - we’re not exactly comparing like with like. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of confusion arises. See, REST and CRUD are two acronyms that relate to how we access and manage data. But, they differ greatly in terms of what they actually refer to and how they apply.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 29, 2023
A workflow application is a piece of software that’s dedicated to making a particular task - or related group of tasks - faster, easier, and more efficient. See, most day-to-day internal tasks are actually pretty repetitive. Many are downright menial. Today, we’re checking out one of the most effective strategies for managing this fact. Workflow applications provide a simple, flexible way to address this - through automation, process improvement, and a host of other interventions.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 29, 2023
Understanding the respective roles, requirements, and use cases for APIs and SDKs is one of the most important facets of modern software development. See, nowadays a huge proportion of software isn’t actually built from scratch. Instead, reusable tools, assets, and resources play a greater role than ever in the way that businesses build tools. This serves the dual purposes of saving developers time - as well as ensuring interoperability and adherence to particular development approaches.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 18, 2023
Choosing the right API management tools is one of the most fundamental and far-reaching decisions for any IT team. In fact, APIs are totally central to all kinds of application development, process management, workflow automation, integration, support, and IT ops tasks. Most companies leverage a huge range of third-party APIs - as well as their own internal resources. Therefore, how we manage our API usage is going to have a significant impact on both the quality of our team’s output and the resource incursion related to achieving this.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 18, 2023
Workflow engines are used to simplify, expedite, and optimize all sorts of internal tasks and processes. By codifying and digitalizing business logic, an effective workflow engine enables us to achieve a high degree of efficiency, repeatability, accuracy, and productivity within daily operations. They’re also a powerful basis for business process automation, integration, real-time analytics, and other digital transformation efforts across your business. Today, we’re exploring everything you need to know.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 18, 2023